SRP3: Alternative Contracting Methods: Holistic Analysis Approach
How to balance access, mobility, and livability in planning, constructing, and executing multimodal transportation systems in urban corridors.
Data-driven investigation on the performance effects of various alternative contracting methods (ACMs) such as DB, CM/GC, A+B, I/D, No Excuse Bonus, Lane Rental, etc.
Stochastic modeling, discrete-event simulations, and advanced statistical analyses aiming at (1) investigating the marginal impact of various ACMs on key performance measures while controlling for different project and market characteristics and (2) developing decision-support computer applications for the improved ACMs. This study's root problem is determining when and what type of delivery method to use to realize the maximum benefits of project type, size, and complexity.
Providing historical data-driven performance benchmarking results for ACMs that state transportation agencies can reference when evaluating competing contracting methods and techniques for high-impact highway rehab projects.