Yangtian Yin (Sky)
Currently in the final year of his Ph.D. program in Construction Management at Texas A&M University. What's particularly impressive is that Sky has already authored and co-authored nine papers, all of which have been published in top-tier journals. Sky's academic journey began with a bachelor's degree from Michigan State University and a master's degree from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. In his doctoral dissertation research, Sky is focusing on developing a cyber-physical digital twinning platform. This platform aims to visualize flood-induced roadway damages during major hurricanes and predict the most optimal evacuation routes. If his work proves successful, it has the potential to significantly enhance the resilience of coastal communities in the face of extreme evetns.
Research topic: AI-Based Roadway Digital Twinning for Flooding (AIR-FLOOD)
Minhao Wu
Joining the lab in September 2023, Minhao is a Ph.D. student in Construction Management at Texas A&M University, holding a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, and a master's degree in structural engineering from UCLA. His practical experience encompasses transportation projects, roles with the Chinese government's Department of Transportation, and work at the Beijing Shen Hua Da Traffic Testing Center. Driven by ambition and intellectural curiosity, Minhao's doctoral research focuses on predictive analytics and digital twinning technologies to capture the mixed modes of new transportation towards creating new knowledge in transportation construction management domains.
Research topic: Smart Transportation Digital Intelligence
Xin Liu, Ph.D.
Graduating in August 2023, Dr. Liu was a Ph.D. student who joined in the fall of 2019. Xin earned his MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida in 2017 and a bachelor’s in Civil from Zhejiang University in China in 2014. Before studying abroad, Xin was an Assistant Project Manager and was involved in several large-scale construction projects for one of the largest construction firms in China. Xin’s research methods are specialized in BIM tools, programming on machine-learning techniques, and statistics. Since he is new to the lab, a specific research topic will unfold in a multidisciplinary area that blends construction management, computer science, traffic engineering, and social science.
Research topic: AI-Powered Predictive Model for Solar Power Investment Decision Making
You Are A Sight for Sore Eyes, Alumni
Xin Liu
Assistant Professor
Zhengzhou University
Kyeong Rok Ryu
Assistant Professor
UT Arlington
Junseo bae
Assistant Professor
Korea University at Sejong
Jae Yong Lee
Director of Global Strategy Office
Hyundai Motor Group
Bum Hwan Park
Korea Nat. Univ. of Transportation
Seung Hyun Kim
Deputy Director
Jeju Agricultural R&D Center
Area Superintendent
Hensel Phelps
Lishan Li (Mia)
AI/ML Software Developer
Mohammed Y. Khan
BIM Manager
JK Radhakrishnan
Project Engineer
U.S. Green Building Council -
Vanshdeep Parmar
Ultima Switchgears Limited
Abhishek shete
Project Manager
Kitchell CEM
Rohan Nimbai
Area Superintendent
Hensel Phelps
Dae Han
Senior Cost/Trend Engineer
Bechtel Corporation
Hyunsoung Park
Assistant Professor
University of Evansville
Shashank Tiwari
Senior Business Analyst
Piyush Sharma
Professional Engineer
Morris-Shea Bridge Company
Zhuting Mao (Claire)
Senior BIM Manager
Balfour Beatty Construction
Parth Arora
Financing Manager
Fernando J. Manrique
Project Executive
OHT Partners
Ankit Gaur
Working in India
Yoo hyun Kim
Cost Control Manager
Daewoo E&C
Saher Zunaira
Project Scheduler
Prateek Tare
Renewable Energy Professional
CS Energy